Kalamazoo College Responds to “Stay Home, Stay Safe”

Dear Campus Community,

In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 throughout the state of Michigan, the governor’s office has issued an executive order requiring Michigan residents to remain at home to the maximum extent feasible. Kalamazoo College will follow the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order to our utmost ability, allowing on campus only those employees who must be physically present to provide essential services. Under no circumstances should a person who is ill come to campus.

These are the services that require employees to be on campus:

  • Campus Safety
  • Food, custodial and health services for the very few students still on campus
  • Direct and technical support for teaching and learning
  • Payroll and other essential business functions

With the exception of Campus Safety, other services will be limited. The main phone line, 269.337.7000 will continue to be answered.

Employees are expected to continue working from home. The College intends to pay employees and maintain benefits for as long as possible into the future.

Faculty and staff who need to come to campus to retrieve equipment may do so; however, please coordinate the timing with your supervisor and practice social distancing. Teaching faculty are encouraged to work from home and to contact the Provost’s Office if technology is a barrier.

As additional information becomes available, the College will continue to communicate with you via Hornet Hive messages, and we will update our COVID-19 webpage.

Please remember, by staying away, you protect the health and safety of the very few students who could not go home and your colleagues who must be on campus to provide essential services. I know these are uncertain times, and the fluidity of the COVID-19 developments is not within our control. I am profoundly grateful for our faculty and staff’s exceptional commitment to our students, our alumni, our families and friends, and to one another. Together, we will get through this global health crisis.

Saludos and be well,

Jorge G. Gonzalez


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